Victoria Rifles Lodge No 822 was consecrated in 1860 as the Lodge for the members of the Victoria Rifles Regiment. To learn more about this phase of the Lodge’s history please click here.
Today the Lodge is the Installed Masters’ Lodge for the Circuit of Service Lodges, after a group of former serving Freemasons stepped in to stop the Lodge from handing in its warrant, the Regiment having been amalgamated and whereby the Lodge lost its natural constituency.
We meet twice a year at 10 Duke Street in the late morning before a lunchtime Festive Board, the better to allow Brethren from around the country to make our meetings. The Lodge is a forum for Past Masters of Military Lodges and those with other military connections to meet, exchange views (and stories) and maintain the bonds between the Lodges and the Brethren of the Circuit of Service Lodges.
We also practise those masonic principals, notably of Charity, in support of a variety of causes, both Masonic and military. The Lodge maintains its links with its founding Regiment and on its 150th Anniversary gave £10,000 to the Rifles Benevolent Fund.
If you would like to visit the Lodge or enquire about becoming a member, please contact the Secretary.