Gordon Inglis was an Australian who along with his compatriot Gilbert Nathan were both commissioned from the ranks to become officers in the Regiment. They were both from Sydney and their commissioning made the papers in Australia – the Evening News and the Northern Miner.
He was one of the six sons of John Thomas Inglis of the William Inglis & Sons firm of auctioneers and stock salesmen in Sydney. He was born in 1885 and educated at Sydney Grammar School and the University of Sydney where he read law. He became a journalist. He was instrumental in forming a branch of the Old Boys’ Union in London for his fellow alumni. Sydney Grammar School’s The Sydneian recalled at his passing a distinguished school career:
“He took a very prominent part in connection with the Literary and Debating Society under the presidency of the late Dowell O’Reilly. Few boys were gifted with the fluency of language which he had at his command, and his oratorical displays were always interesting, witty and forceful, and he contributed largely to the success of the mock trials held at the School.”
Inglis came to England in 1910 as part of the Australian High Commission, on the staff of Sir George Reid, with responsibility to represent a range of Australian sporting bodies and associations including rugby, rowing, athletic and as the Australasian delegate to the Lawn Tennis Association and a member of the Advisory Committee of the International Lawn Tennis Board. He was a founding member of the Federation of International Lawn Tennis (Founders shown in the photograph above). He was also the Australian delegate to the Olympic Games Conferences in Paris in 1914 and Antwerp in 1920.
He was also responsible in part for the Davis Cup tennis match between England and Australia in 1913 and for making the competition a global rather than European one.
He enlisted in the Victoria Rifles as a Rifleman before being commissioned as a subaltern on 12 December 1914. He transferred to the Grenadier Guards in September 1915.
He joined the Lodge on 31 March 1915, giving his profession as “Lt Victoria Rifles”. He was a subscribing member of the Pen and Brush Lodge No 2909, an affinity lodge for artists and authors.
He died in Northen Peru on an expedition in 1924 from which he cabled several articles on his experiences and findings. He death was reported in the Brisbane Courier:
He was married with two children.