Edward William Cox was a silk merchant, the husband of Louisa Jane Woodruff and father of Colonel Reginald Woodruff Cox OBE and Capt Harold Edward Leys Cox VR. They also had a daughter, Constance.
He was a partner in the firm he founded with Howard Edwards called Cox & Edwards of Old Cavendish Street, London. He was also Vice President of the Silk Association of Great Britain & Ireland.
Edward’s son Reginald would join the firm as well as the Lodge and the Regiment, whilst his son Harold joined the Regiment, but not the Lodge, and would be killed in the War. For more information about Harold please see his brother Reginald’s entry.
The news of Harold’s death reached the Lodge and the boys’ father at the October 1916 Installation Meeting. Edward Cox was installed but left immediately afterwards before a sombre festive board.
Edward was initiated in 1908 and would go on to be Director of Ceremonies.
He was another member of the Lodge to also be a member of the Chapter of St Albans No 29. He held London Rank (now LGR).
Outside the Regiment and the Lodge, he was Vice President of the Ealing Conservative & Unionist Association and Vice President of the Ealing Association Football Club, who coincidentally played in the same colours as the Regiment. He was also made Deputy Lieutenant for Middlesex in 1862
He died in February 1931 at the age of 77, having recently celebrated his Golden Wedding anniversary.