- About
- Colours & Ties
- Distinguished Brethren
- Distinguished Brethren A-B
- Arnold Millman Allen
- Donald William Boydell
- Edward Arthur Belshaw
- Edwin Richard Stafford Abington
- Frederick Abbott
- Frederick George Windsor Benwell
- Frederick Thomas Albert Brehaut
- Geoffrey Price Bowring
- George Albert Bonner
- Graham Richard Baker
- Henry Peter Emaus Bunn
- Herbert William Arnold
- John Austin Brown
- Joseph Alfred Bradney
- Leonard Patrick Abley
- Roger Myddleton Bankes-Jones
- Roy McLellan Archibald
- Samuel Wilson Block
- Stephen Barton Wilson Jr
- Thomas Oswald Belshaw
- Thomas Sidney Belshaw
- William Bennett Billingshurst
- William George Bowditch
- Distinguished Brethren C-E
- A R Davies
- Alexander Reid Davies
- Desmond Nicholas Croft
- Edward William Cox
- Frederick William Coombes
- George William Dawson
- Harold Darby
- Henry Percy Faulkner Dickins
- Henry Percy Tavener Dickins
- John Arthur Mowbray Ellison-Macartney
- John William Cunningham
- Jonathan William Lee Croft
- Mortimer Arthur Codd
- Reginald Woodruff Cox
- Robert Cairncross Cochrane
- Sir Gavin Campbell
- Vernon William Frank Dickins
- Wyndham Harold Dickins
- Distinguished Brethren F-G
- Distinguished Brethren H-K
- Antony Raymond Jabez-Smith
- Archibald Hair
- Archibald John Kellaway
- Bennett William Johnson
- Charles Alfred Cuthbert Keeson
- Charles Christie Johnson
- Charles Hambro Heriot
- Charles Hamilton Sutton Howkins
- Clive Owen Shilton Hewett
- Cuthbert Alfred Garnet Cuthbert Keeson
- Everard William Kingdon
- Frederick Cornelius William King
- Gordon Inglis
- Henry Foulkes Kingdon
- Henry George Heather
- James Ernest Alexander Hunter
- James Ernest Wild Harrison
- John Shaw Howkins
- Percy Frank Knightley
- Sidney James Holloway
- William Fortescue Kingdon
- Distinguished Brethren L-R
- Adolf Moritz Oberdoerffer
- Alexander William Martin
- Charles Augustus Murton
- Charles Ernest Pettit
- Charles Francis Massy
- Douglas Willoughby Yockney Lane
- Edward Charles Russell
- Edward Letchworth
- Foster Henry Okey Nash
- Frederick Mason-Green
- Frederick Page Ococks
- George Dunlop Leslie
- George Lipscombe Matthews
- Gerald Francis McGarel-Hogg
- Henry Crawford MacDonald
- Hubert Larchin
- James Henry Matthews
- John Boss Kinnear Russell
- Paul Warwick Redway
- Percy Edward Langworthy-Parry
- Stewart Ray Marshall
- Thomas Frederick Cuthbert Pattle
- Timothy Stovin Lucas
- Wilfred Picton-Turbervill
- William Francis Roe
- William Newland Rudge
- Distinguished Brethren S-T
- Abraham Trew
- Alan Stewart Trapnell
- Alexander Reginald Wallace Shipley
- Alfred Lewis Thorn
- Alfred Savill Tomkins
- Alfred Trower
- Bryan Schofield
- Cecil Edmund Kirby Speller
- Clement Potter Smith
- Clifford Shields
- Edwin Claude Porter Scott
- Edwin McAllister Seaton
- Ernest Trower
- Henry Charles Stewart
- Henry Francis Smith
- John Duncan Tate
- John Fox Seaton
- Laurence Edmund Swann
- Percy Trower
- Reginald Burge Shipley
- Richard Henry Sampson
- Thornbury
- William George Shepherd
- William John Smith
- William Robert Henry Stewart
- William Sankey
- Distinguished Brethren U-Z
- Arnold Watson
- Arthur Sydney Young
- Charles Dawson Wright
- Edward Nicholson Vowler
- Frederick George Whitehead
- George Mitchell Weekley
- Graham Burnand White
- Harold Stanley Wescott
- John Andrews Wilson
- John Archibald Young
- John Young
- Michael Watkin Williams
- Philip Arthur Cawte Wilkinson
- Reginald Harmon Young
- Samuel Wilcox
- Stephen Barton Wilson
- Theophilus George Henry Wilmot
- Distinguished Brethren A-B
- Family Connections
- Family Tree
- In Memoriam
- Jewels
- Search
- St Albans Chapter No 29
- Where to Start?
- Worshipful Masters
- Contact
- History
- Further Reading
- History of the Lodge – Part 1
- History of the Lodge – Part 2
- History of the Regiment
- 1902 – Officers of the Regiment
- 1908 Merger of the Queen Victoria’s & Bloomsbury Rifles
- 3/9th Battalion March 1915
- Calais 1940
- Centenary Celebrations – 1903
- Commanding Officers
- Davies Street
- Hill 60
- Imperial Representative Corps
- Prisoners of War
- Regimental Names & Milestones
- Regimental Officers
- Regimental Orders – 1913
- Regimental Uniforms
- South Africa
- Standing Orders – 1903
- Victoria Rifles 1863
- Home
- Links
- Roll of Honour
- Site Map