Alan Stewart Trapnell was the son of Dr Francis Cyril Trapnell.
He followed his father to the Leys School (School House from 1926 to 1931) and then went up to Cambridge, but chose Jesus rather than his father’s college, King’s. He enjoyed his rugby at school, College and afterwards, captaining the Old Leysians from Hooker.
He enlisted as a Rifleman in the Victoria Rifles after coming down and was in the 1st Bttn when it went to Calais where he was captured and interned as a PoW along with Ellison-Macartney, Hunter and his fellow men. He was held at Stalag XXI. He was a member of his old school Lodge and was able to attend a meeting within days of returning from captivity in 1945, and was even appointed a Steward.
His Honour Judge Alan Stewart Trapnell was appointed to be Chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions for the Middlesex in 1969 and to the Circuit Bench in 1972.
He also followed his father into the Old Leysian Lodge No 4520, and was installed by him as that Lodge’s Worshipful Master in 1948. He joined the Victoria Rifles Lodge late considering his affiliation with both he Regiment and Freemasonry, in January 1980. He was installed as Worshipful Master in 1983. A dispensation was required as His Honour was also in the Chair of Bard of Avon Lodge No 778.
He was Assistant Grand Registrar in 1963, Junior Grand Deacon in 1971 and Senior Grand Deacon in 1979. In 1969 he became Assistant Grand Sojourner of Supreme Grand Chapter. He was also the Senior Member of the Committee of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, the Deputy PGM for Middlesex and PJGW. He was a founder of Prince Michael of Kent Lodge No 9120.
He died in 1986.