Charles Hambro Heriot was born on 5 August 1864, the son of Robert Heriot and Mary Ann Heriot (née Tyhurst) of Mulgrave House, Sutton, a general merchant and dealer. Heriot went to Charterhouse (Verites) and was afterwards a stockbroker.
He became a member of the London Stock Exchange in 1888 and was made a partner in the firm of De Zoetes in 1890.
He lived at 25 Hans Place.
He was joined the Lodge on 25 November 1914, having been initiated into Argonauts Lodge No 2243, an affinity lodge for oarsmen in Putney.
Charles had three siblings: 2nd Lt George Edward Heriot County of London Yeomanry who died on active service in the Great War from pneumonia in 1915, Walter James Heriot and Caroline Isabel Heriot.