The photograph above was published in theThe Illustrated War News on 31 March 1915 and is vaguely titled as being the “London Regiment 9th Battalion Officers”. It is in fact the officers of the 3/9th (County of London) Battalion, London Regiment (Queen Victoria’s) later retitled the Reserve Battalion of the Regiment.
It is a rare photograph for its clarity and detail and is of value to the Lodge as it shows a half a dozen brethren of the Lodge:
Lt Col Joseph A Bradney CB – Officer Commanding the 3/9th Battalion
Major Edwin C P Scott – Quartermaster
Capt James E A Hunter – the Adjutant
Capt Richard H Sampson – later Major Sampson and a fine author.
2nd Lt Cuthbert AGC Keeson – later Colonel Keeson and to command the 1st Bttn