Victoria Rifles Lodge No 822
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Worshipful Masters
Distinguished Brethren
Distinguished Brethren A-B
Frederick Abbott
James A Abbott
Edwin Richard Stafford Abington
Leonard Patrick Abley
Charles Achiles
Arnold Millman Allen
Roy McLellan Archibald
Graham Richard Baker
Roger Myddleton Bankes-Jones
Edward Arthur Belshaw
Thomas Oswald Belshaw
Thomas Sidney Belshaw
William Bennett Billingshurst
Samuel Wilson Block
George Albert Bonner
William George Bowditch
Geoffrey Price Bowring
Donald William Boydell
Joseph Alfred Bradney
Joseph Braithwaite
Frederick Thomas Albert Brehaut
John Austin Brown
Henry Peter Emaus Bunn
James Burton
Distinguished Brethren C-E
Sir Gavin Campbell
Sir John Alexander Gavin Campbell
Robert Cairncross Cochrane
Mortimer Arthur Codd
Frederick William Coombes
Edward William Cox
Reginald Woodruff Cox
Charles Percy Croft
Desmond Nicholas Croft
Jonathan William Lee Croft
Alfred Crossley
John William Cunningham
Harold Darby
Alexander Reid Davies
Robert fFinden Davies
George William Dawson
Henry Percy Faulkner Dickins
Henry Percy Tavener Dickins
Vernon William Frank Dickins
Wyndham Harold Dickins
John Arthur Mowbray Ellison-Macartney
William Ewing
Distinguished Brethren F-G
Francis Willoughby Fielding
Daniel O’Connell Finigan
Leonard Denman Fleming
Charles Reginald Good
Walter Gouda
Charles Geoffrey Maurice Des Graz
Barclay Greenhill
Charles Frederick Grundtvig
Distinguished Brethren H-K
Archibald Hair
James Ernest Wild Harrison
Henry George Heather
Charles Hambro Heriot
Clive Owen Shilton Hewett
Sidney James Holloway
John Shaw Howkins
Charles Hamilton Sutton Howkins
James Ernest Alexander Hunter
Gordon Inglis
Bennett William Johnson
Charles Christie Johnson
Charles Alfred Cuthbert Keeson
Cuthbert Alfred Garnet Cuthbert Keeson
Archibald John Kellaway
Frederick Cornelius William King
Everard William Kingdon
Henry Foulkes Kingdon
William Fortescue Kingdon
Distinguished Brethren L-R
Douglas Willoughby Yockney Lane
Percy Edward Langworthy-Parry
Hubert Larchin
Edward Letchworth
Frank Ball Lewis
Timothy Stovin Lucas
Henry Crawford MacDonald
Stewart Ray Marshall
Alexander William Martin
Frederick Mason-Green
Charles Francis Massy
George Edwin Matthews
George Lipscombe Matthews
James Henry Matthews
Gerald Francis McGarel-Hogg
Charles Augustus Murton
Foster Henry Okey Nash
Adolf Moritz Oberdoerffer
Frederick Page Ococks
Thomas Frederick Cuthbert Pattle
Charles Ernest Pettit
Wilfred Picton-Turbervill
Thomas Porter
Paul Warwick Redway
William Francis Roe
Ridley Franklin Glen Rowe
Edward Charles Russell
John Boss Kinnear Russell
William Newland Rudge
Distinguished Brethren S-T
Richard Henry Sampson
William Booth Scott
Edwin McAllister Seaton
John Fox Seaton
Bryan Schofield
Edwin Claude Porter Scott
William George Shepherd
Clifford Shields
Alexander Reginald Wallace Shipley
Reginald Burge Shipley
Clement Potter Smith
Henry Francis Smith
Cecil Edmund Kirby Speller
Henry Charles Stewart
William Robert Henry Stewart
John Duncan Tate
Alfred Lewis Thorn
Alan Stewart Trapnell
Abraham Trew
Alfred Trower
Ernest Trower
Percy Trower
Alfred Savill Tomkins
Distinguished Brethren U-Z
Edward Nicholson Vowler
George Mitchell Weekley
Harold Stanley Wescott
Graham Burnand White
Frederick George Whitehead
Samuel Wilcox
Philip Arthur Cawte Wilkinson
Theophilus George Henry Wilmot
John Andrews Wilson
Stephen Barton Wilson
Stephen Barton Wilson Jr
Charles Dawson Wright
Arthur Sydney Young
John Archibald Young
John Young
Reginald Harmon Young
Family Connections
Family Tree
Where to Start?
History of the Regiment
Regimental Names & Milestones
Commanding Officers
Barclay Greenhill
Frederick Page Ococks
Joseph Alfred Bradney
Reginald Burge Shipley
Vernon William Frank Dickins
Cuthbert Alfred Garnet Cuthbert Keeson
John Arthur Mowbray Ellison-Macartney
Percy Edward Langworthy-Parry
Regimental Officers
Geoffrey Price Bowring
Frederick Thomas Albert Brehaut
John Austin Brown
Reginald Woodruff Cox
Alexander Reid Davies
Robert fFinden Davies
William Ewing
Francis Willoughby Fielding
James Ernest Alexander Hunter
Gordon Inglis
Charles Alfred Cuthbert Keeson
Timothy Stovin Lucas
Paul Warwick Redway
William Francis Roe
Richard Henry Sampson
Henry Francis Smith
Henry Charles Stewart
Abraham Trew
Edward Nicholson Vowler
George Mitchell Weekley
Frederick George Whitehead
Samuel Wilcox
John Archibald Young
Victoria Rifles 1863
South Africa
Imperial Representative Corps
1902 – Officers of the Regiment
Centenary Celebrations – 1903
Standing Orders – 1903
1908 Merger of the Queen Victoria’s & Bloomsbury Rifles
Regimental Orders – 1913
Hill 60
3/9th Battalion March 1915
Calais 19140
1 QVR OOB – Calais 1940
Prisoners of War
Davies Street
Regimental Uniforms
History of the Lodge – Part 1
Petitioners & Founders
William Louis Collins
Sir John Alexander Gavin Campbell
William Booth Scott
James Burton
Alfred Crossley
Joseph Braithwaite
Thomas Porter
Ridley Franklin Glen Rowe
Charles Achiles
James A Abbott
Charles Percy Croft
St Albans Chapter No 29
Rifle Volunteers & Masonry
History of the Lodge – Part 2
Armistice Centenary 1918-2018
Further Reading
Roll of Honour
Wyndham Harold Dickins
Robert fFinden Davies
Francis Willoughby Fielding
Frank Ball Lewis
George Edwin Matthews
Thomas Porter
Thomas Porter was an initiate of the Moira Lodge No 92 (then No 102).